Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
This is how some people feel about speaking another language other than their own: A man from Poland says he feels confident ...
We also hear from headmaster Stephen Winkley, who tells us what he thinks of British people's foreign language ability. As we shall hear, many British people are able to speak a few words of another ...
本设计日活动由意大利驻广州总领事馆和深圳海上世界文化艺术中心(SWCAC)联合组织。主题是“差异:为更美好的生活而设计”,这一主题与即将于5月至11月举行的米兰三年展“差异:如何修补人类的裂痕”紧密相连。旨在探讨优质设计在减少社会不平等及其对日常生活 ...
96岁的李嘉诚曾因对买卖时机的卓绝把控而赢得“超人”之称。但长和将旗下港口出售给贝莱德牵头财团的交易还是惹恼了中国政府。 东航坠机事件三周年:中国错过公布调查进展截止时间 截至当地时间周五,中国民航局尚未就东航MU5735航班坠机事件的调查发布 ...