NEW YORK (AP) — An FBI agent who publicly accused the agency of a pro-Trump bias has been arrested and charged with ...
A longtime FBI agent has been charged with unlawfully taking and disclosing protected FBI files, according to court records ...
Johnathan Buma, who claimed in 2023 that the FBI went after President Joe Biden's son Hunter while stifling his own ...
Johnathan Buma, a 15-year FBI veteran, was charged with sharing classified FBI documents and messages he was using to write a book about his career.
An FBI agent who publicly accused the agency of a pro-Trump bias has been arrested and charged with disclosing ...
Johnathan Buma, who worked in counterintelligence, was taken into custody Monday just as he was about to hop on an international flight ...
An FBI agent and whistleblower critical of the bureau dating back to President Trump’s first term was arrested this week at JFK Airport and charged with illegally disclosing classified intel ...
Big companies are increasingly disclosing they have board oversight of artificial intelligence, according to a report released Wednesday. Nearly a third of S&P 500 companies reported some AI scrutiny ...
The Trump administration told a federal judge Tuesday that it should not have to provide information on the timing of flights that carried migrants for deportation, amid an accusation the ...
Ready Capital Corp. officers and directors are responsible for failing to disclose “significant” non-performing commercial real estate loans that would affect the company’s financial results and stock ...