To play this video you need to enable JavaScript. 欢迎收看 “英语音标教程” 系列节目的第十三集。本集中,主持人 Alex 将示范双元音 /ɪə/ 的发音。
Our results revealed that across the globe—as predicted—pain interjections have a much higher than expected proportion of [a]-like single vowels and diphthongs (when two vowels glide together, ...
例如,ai在rain、pain中发长音,而ea则在read、great中使用。同时,元音后接r会影响其发音,如car、far。 双元音与特殊元音 双元音(Diphthongs)是两个元音音素的结合,会形成一个流畅的发音,例如oi、ou等单词像boy、house。同时,某些特殊音如aw与ou也发出独特的声音。
A PHP library for converting Greek text to Greeklish (Greek words written with Latin characters).
To play this video you need to enable JavaScript. 欢迎收看 “英语音标教程” 系列节目的第十一集。本集中,主持人 Alex 将示范短元音 /e/ 的发音。