Good Girl,” by the German-born writer Aria Aber, asks what it means to want to belong to a society that wishes you harm.
In extreme cases, apophenia can manifest as conspiracy theories, paranoia, or large-scale delusory thinking patterns. What Are the Main Causes of Apophenia? Psychological and evolutionary factors ...
Tallis presents a series of case histories of lovesick patients. Megan, a barrister’s clerk, suffers from the delusory condition known as de Clérambault’s syndrome: opening her eyes after coming round ...
Apportioning guilt among the various predators in the piranha tank of 18th-century European politics is – Blanning implies – a delusory and ultimately fruitless task. What emerges, instead, from these ...
Antisemitism is permeated by sexism, racism, and nationalism, while reflecting the economic class relationship in a completely delusory and distorted way, masquerading as a critique of capitalism.