BANGKOK – Scam centres along the Thailand-Myanmar border are still operating with up to 100,000 people working there, the top ...
意义未明的克隆性造血(CHIP)是近年来发现的一种新型非传统心血管疾病危险因素,携带CHIP突变会使冠心病的发病风险增加约2倍。然而,CHIP基因中的JAK2 V617F突变虽然较为少见,却能增加10倍以上的冠心病风险。
A former Chinese engineer has been sentenced to death for leaking state secrets to a foreign power, China's national security authorities said Wednesday.
近日,哈尔滨医科大学附属第二医院(简称“哈医大二院”)心血管病医院院长、心内科主任于波教授和贾海波教授团队,在心血管领域顶级期刊European Heart Journal 《欧洲心脏杂志》在线发表了题为“Plaque erosion risk and JAK2 V617F variant”的研究论文。该研究首次证实,JAK2 ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
没有一支球队是永恒不变的,23年掘金拥有无比强大的阵容,我本以为他们会称霸NBA联盟至少三年,殊不知波普、布朗因薪资问题离开,掘金的后卫线厚度大大削弱,以至于现在根本就称不上是总冠军级别的球队,只能算是个二流球队,只靠着约基奇来支撑。而有一些球队比之 ...
The NBS on Monday released data of China's economy in the first two months of 2025, which showed industrial output, fixed asset investment and retail sales all growing at a faster pace than a year ...
伍德麦肯兹下调了今年及以后住宅太阳能的展望。2025年,该公司最近将其增长预测下调了15%。然而,伍德麦肯兹预计2025年将有温和复苏,同比增长9%。它认为加利福尼亚市场将趋于稳定,并以7%的速度增长,因为安装商在NEM ...
This year, the Spring Equinox coincides with the Spring She Day, Tradition says that standing an egg upright on this day can absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Plus, snapping a ...