咨询机构RetailNext的数据显示,3月初,美国商店的客流量同比下降了4.3%, 延续了年初以来的下降趋势。Placer.ai汇总了消费者移动设备的信号,其数据显示,近几周来,包括沃尔玛、 塔吉特和百思买在内的大型商场的客流量有所减少。
On March 16, the Houston Rockets achieved a narrow victory over the Chicago Bulls, clinching the game with a score of 117-114 at home. This significant win marked the Rockets' sixth consecutive ...
在经历了动荡的一周后,道琼斯指数进入调整区域,较之前的高点下跌了10%,那些大量投资美股的人,尤其是马来西亚特朗普支持者都希望这轮的下跌是暂时的。随著乌克兰停战协议新闻热度取代了关税新闻,上周五美国股市迎来了反弹,收复了部分跌幅,也提振了投资者的梦想 ...
SMM Cobalt and Lithium Morning Meeting Summary: This week, the spot price of cobalt intermediate products rose slightly as the market continued to gradually digest the impact of the DRC export ban. Su ...
TOKYO, March 14 (Xinhua) -- The number of foreign nationals residing in Japan reached more than 3.7 million as of the end of 2024, marking a record high for the third consecutive year, government data ...
加利福尼亚州洛杉矶——当洛杉矶快船队通过买断球员市场将本·西蒙斯招入麾下时,他们得到了一位技术全面的球员,从理想状态来讲,这名球员能够高水平地胜任场上五个位置。从理论上来说,得到一位身高6英尺10英寸(约2.08米)、28岁,拥有大前锋体格和控球后卫 ...
U.S. consumer sentiment in March fell for the third month in a row as concerns about the economy intensified amid tariff ...
高盛,于周五 (2025年3月14日) 发布2024年报 (2024 Annual Report) 及致股东的信,高盛 多项核心指标刷新纪录。数据显示,公司全年净收入同比增长16%至535亿美元,股东总回报率 (TSR) 达52%,创近十年新高.