Cotter, whether it’s genuinely earned or not, is known as ‘Stern Vern’, which is a nice bit of alliteration, but definitely ...
Helldivers 2's runaway popularity last year was, in part, due to just how focused it felt—while other games might bombard you ...
Why do Liverpool need credit? Seriously, who gives a flying fork if the usual suspects on here want to put an asterisk next ...
Apple's AI suite missed the boat and missed the mark, and it needs to fess up. Plus all the news, rumors, and tips you missed ...
while the parts that are ambitious are a load of phony-baloney vaporware codswallop. That’s a point made last week (albeit in slightly different words) by Daring Fireball’s Jon Gruber ...
The Irish approach to foreign policy should not be to exaggerate our purity or indulge dictators, but neither should we ...
P/E of the Market' concept is absolute baloney. It fails miserably to stand up to any analytical and conceptual rigor. It is ...
The metre-long reptile, named Cliff, had been kept at Ashley Betts's home for a year before authorities discovered it ...