为探究高盐环境微生物群落昼夜节律,研究人员对南湾盐场进行研究,发现光信号驱动群落转录变化,意义重大。 在神秘的高盐世界里,昼夜交替如同一场神奇的魔法,改变着环境和其中的生物。微生物作为生态系统的重要成员,其昼夜节律在许多环境中都起着 ...
Aranan Tarih Aralığı: 2025-1-1 / 2025-02-01 Aranan Kelime: a chemostat is continuous culture system that is designed to promote and prolong exponential growth and prevent bacteria from entering ...
“The literature states fed-batches are applicable for transitioning to chemostat cultivation for other inductive systems,” Kopp, the paper’s corresponding author, tells GEN. “It was a ...
Department of Chemistry, Sapienza University of Rome, P.le Aldo Moro 5, Rome 00185, Italy ...
From bacteria to humans, adaptive immune systems provide learned memories of past infections. Despite their vast biological differences, adaptive immunity shares features from microbes to vertebrates ...
ABSTRACT: As a well-recognized environmental contaminant, lead (Pb) represents a profound threat to human health, with the nervous system being especially vulnerable. Pb exerts its toxic effects ...