Archaeologists carried out a survey for Hongshan culture on Tuesday in Shuangta District.
A Lebanese security source told Xinhua that, the airstrikes were conducted "within approximately 30 minutes, hitting forested ...
本文开门见山,语言简洁,重点突出。小作者欲扬先抑,一开始描写了自己被路人以“没有时间”拒绝的失落心情,但很快就成功找到了采访对象,也收获了很有价值的回答。文中对受访者的观点叙述得十分细致,看得出在采访过程中进行了认真的记录与总结,是一名称职的小记者哦 ...
China's State Post Bureau has launched an investigation into Shanghai business unit of Yunda Express over safety management issues within its franchises, the bureau said on its website on Wednesday.
Even after years of training some athletes will compete in the Olympics and some won’t. Today we find out if Iraqi rower, Haider Rashid, has qualified for this year's London Olympics. Join Natalie in ...
"教育如春风,你们是播撒希望的人。" 小学部副校长赵玉双以真挚的话语致敬全体女教师,感谢她们以智慧灌溉成长,用温柔守护初心。每一句祝福都化作掌声,在活动现场久久回荡。
The market size of the ice and snow economy in Heilongjiang Province, northeast China, reached 266.17 billion yuan (about $37 ...
"China has stood by us all the way," said Elia George Kaiyamo, Namibia's ambassador to China, highlighting the deepening bond ...
A member of the 16th Chinese medical team talks to children about the importance of handwashing at the Frans Nambinga Arts ...
(基辅7日综合电)美国停止与乌克兰分享先前曾提供的袭击预警情服一天后,俄罗斯就在6日和7日两天发射无人机和弹道飞弹,对乌克兰各地实施了大规模打击,乌军也首次出动法国提供的幻影2000战机御敌。美媒《Politico》、《卫报》和乌克兰《真理报》报道, ...
UNITED NATIONS, March 7 (Xinhua) -- An attack on a UN helicopter on Friday in South Sudan killed a crewmember and several South Sudanese military personnel, including a general, a UN spokesman said.
BEIJING, March 7 (Xinhua) — China will host the Global Leaders' Meeting on Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment in Beijing in the latter half of this year, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on ...