Appendix tumors should be evaluated separately and not included in colon or colorectal cancer categories,” researchers concluded.
根据 2022 年世界卫生组织(WHO)的分类标准,肺 NET 主要分为典型类癌(Typical Carcinoids,TC,<2 个有丝分裂 / 2mm2 且无坏死)和非典型类癌(Atypical Carcinoids,AC,2 - 10 个有丝分裂 / 2mm2 和 / 或坏死),它们仅占所有原发性肺肿瘤的 1 - 2%,其中 AC 又仅占肺 NET 的 10%。
In this research group, the research areas of global surgery and reconstructive plastic surgery meet. The research is to a large extent focused on the development and improvement of surgical health ...