When mothers eat a diet high in fat and sugars, their unborn babies can develop liver stress that continues into early life. A new study sheds light on changes to the fetus's bile acid, which affects ...
The twisted plywood arrangement of lamellae results from alternating fibril orientations. Osteocytes, residing in lacunae interconnected by canaliculi, regulate bone remodelling. Type-I collagen ...
从来没有任何一个科学家比爱因斯坦更加传奇!比如死后大脑被抢又被切成240块这待遇,除非粉碎个外星人的头骨才能被企及。这实例不仅能劝退牛顿复活,还可以阻止爱因斯坦重生,大概是外星人攻击地球的新武器 ...
Apicobasal polarity is a type of cell polarity specific to epithelial cells, referring to a specialised apical membrane facing the outside of the body or lumen of internal cavities, and a ...
Secondary sclerosing cholangitis (SSC) is a chronic cholestatic biliary disease, characterized by inflammation, obliterative fibrosis of the bile ducts, stricture formation and progressive ...
Both authors share equal and corresponding authorship. The helminth diseases schistosomiasis, opisthorchiasis, and clonorchiasis are highly carcinogenic. Trypanosoma cruzi has a dual role in cancer ...
The piezoelectricity of bone is known to play a crucial role in bone adaptation and remodeling. The application of an external stimulus such as mechanical strain or electric field has the potential to ...
LCN 存在于骨单位(osteons)内,由中央的哈弗斯管(Haversian canal)、周围的骨陷窝(lacunae)以及连接它们的骨小管(canaliculi)组成。骨陷窝中住着骨细胞,它们如同城市里的居民,而骨小管则是连接各个 “居民点” 的道路,营养物质和信号分子通过骨小管内的 ...
研究人员通过构建一个包含哈弗斯管(Haversian canal,骨单位中央的管道结构 )、骨小管(canaliculi,连接骨陷窝和哈弗斯管的微小通道 )、骨陷窝(lacunae,容纳骨细胞的小腔 )和组织间液的流固耦合模型,来研究不同频率和振幅的动态载荷下 LCN 内的组织间液 ...
1 Department of Orthopaedics, Second Affiliated Hospital, Air Force Medical University, Xi’an, China 2 Department of Pharmacy, Air Force Medical University, Xi’an, China Bone infection remains a ...