The US military conducted fresh strikes on Yemen's northern province of Saada on Tuesday night, Houthi-run al-Masirah TV ...
人们初到上海,听到苏州河,会下意识地以为这是一条苏州的河流。但实际上,它是吴淞江流经上海地区的一段。之所以叫苏州河,是因为自近代上海开埠以来,英国人发现从上海坐船逆江而上,就可以抵达中国当时的纺织业中心一苏州,日久天长,人们也就习惯称它为“苏州河”了 ...
The widespread sell-off was "mostly driven by anxiety about the impact" of the US government's tariff policy. US president ...
TOKYO, March 14 (Xinhua) -- The number of foreign nationals residing in Japan reached more than 3.7 million as of the end of 2024, marking a record high for the third consecutive year, government data ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
A pair of astronauts stuck aboard the International Space Station (ISS) for over nine months may have to wait a little longer ...
贾巴里·帕克表示:“人们说我是个悲剧故事。可我身上有什么悲剧的呢?我挣到了数百万美元,我养活了我的家人,我让家人摆脱了贫困街区的生活。那些可能写了这些故事的人,他们所取得的成就甚至还不到我所取得成就的1%。” ...
如果把“成为富人”设定是第一象限的目标,“成为好人”是第二象限的目标,"不要成为穷人”是第三象限的目标,而“不要成为恶人”是第四象限的目标,每个人选择不同的象限,则造就不同的人生,也决定了生活是否美好。而许多人追求的是第一象限的目标,也就是金钱、名望 ...
Yes, bad weather is a fact of life. It’s a fact. Rainy days and gloomy days exist. No matter how much you prefer sunny days, ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
晚安玛卡巴卡 今天,我妹负责用吸尘器打扫卫生,然后说:“咱家这仓鼠的背上有点儿灰啊。”FML Today, my little sister was in charge of doing the vacuuming, when she decided our hamster had "dust on his back". FML ...