近日,能动学院 赵玉刚副教授指导硕士研究生蔡灏亭在《自然》(Nature)子刊《通讯材料》(Communications Materials)上发表题为“纳米蒺藜驱动下液滴的选择性捕捉和定向输运”(“Nanosized caltrops enable selective capture and directional maneuvering of water droplets”的研究论文。
The striking contrast shows a brand that deeply respects its roots yet thinks beyond borders. Look closely, and you'll notice the three water caltrops in the logo, inspired by the Mitsui family crest.
In addition to short-term agricultural products such as bananas, beans, vegetables, etc., the most common long-term crops grown by farmers in the middle of the Red River (Hanoi) are hedge piles. If ...