It won't work in a virtual machine. libusb, If you are using Linux: install libusb using your package manager. iPhone 3GS iOS 4.3.5 iBSS This tool can be used to downgrade or jailbreak iPhone 3GS (new ...
Scorpi is a modern, lightweight, general-purpose hypervisor designed to be an alternative to QEMU. U-Boot - Fast and compact but lacks some advanced features such as ACPI and graphics. Best used for ...
基于 恩智浦 的S32G2 汽车网络 处理器 ,艾睿电子开发出了一款功能强大的车载网关开发套件,助力开发者应对新一代汽车电子电气架构复杂性挑战。
发布者:创客1992来源: elecfans关键字:电动机 综合保护器 交流接触器 接线图手机看文章 扫描二维码 保护器是指针对电器提供用电安全保护的装置,它内置有智能的防高压装置,在电器遭遇瞬间高电压的异常情况下,会智能启动内部保护装置,确保后端用电器的 ...
In case you weren’t aware, Apple devices around you are constantly scanning for AirTags. Now, imagine you’re carrying your laptop around – no WiFi connectivity, but BLE’s on as usual, and ...