There is growing science-backed evidence that physical activity has a positive benefit for mental health wellbeing.
With 'Featherless,' her new novel about aging, ailing and the inevitability of death. A. G. Mojtabai joins so many other ...
Imagine the scene, around 3 million years ago in what is now east Africa. By the side of a river, an injured antelope keels ...
Gotta Catch 'Em All — Pokémon Day is officially recognized annually on Feb. 27, the storied day that Pokémon Red and Pokémon Green video games were first introduced in Japan in 1996 to launch the ...
Petting, scratching and cuddling a dog could be as soothing to the mind and heart as deep meditation and almost as good for the soul as a prayer.” – Dean ...
Like their cousins the emus and ostriches, cassowaries are bipeds who can run as quickly as the average person. And while it also may be tempting to drop your food before fleeing into the night ...
Their initial focus will be household chores. Companies like Figure AI and Agility Robotics are already building electronic bipeds for warehousing tasks like moving goods around. But outside of ...