"到处都隐藏着风趣、调皮的因素……是整体颜值的歌曲"防弹少年团J-hope将于21日下午1点(以下韩国时间)发表新曲《MONA LISA》。 他在7日公开数码单曲《Sweet ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
(法新社倫敦9日電) 一名男子手持巴勒斯坦旗幟爬上英國倫敦著名地標「大笨鐘」(Big Ben),在上頭逗留16小時之後重返地面,隨後被警方逮捕。 這名男子揮舞著巴勒斯坦旗幟,高喊「解放巴勒斯坦」(free Palestine)。
In 2024, Hangzhou further enhanced its football infrastructure by adding 166 new fields, bringing the total to 1,476 across ...
SHANGHAI, March 13 (Xinhua) -- As DADA -- the world's biggest LEGO Minifigure at a height of 26 meters and weighing 136 tonnes -- has been installed, construction on the LEGOLAND Shanghai Resort has ...
Shanghai Dramatic Arts Center will stage British director Rich Rusk's adaptation of Franz Kafka's novel "The Metamorphosis" ...
近日,潘建伟院士在《Nature》“世界观点(World View)”专栏发表题为“量子技术需要大量投资才能兑现其宏伟承诺”(Quantum technologies need big investments to deliver on their ...
As dawn breaks, the aroma of Lanzhou Beef Noodles awakens the local people' s day.
AsianFin -- Lü Fengmin, the founder and General Manager of E-lead, a Chinese company specializing in developing industrial ...
直播吧03月11日讯 曼联今日官方宣布,将新建一座容纳10万人的主场。据此前英媒报道,这座新球场预计耗资将达到20亿英镑。曼联老板拉特克利夫爵士今日在接受记者问答中表示:"曼联是全球最受欢迎的足球俱乐部,在我看来也是世界足坛最大的球队(Man Utd ...
让七年后撞击地球的小行星偏离轨道的计划被废弃,因为经计算撞击点会在利物浦。 Planned attempts to divert an asteroid which will collide with the Earth in about seven years have been abandoned after it was calculated the point of impact ...