3月14日晚间, 重庆啤酒 发布《涉及诉讼进展》,宣布与嘉威的合同纠纷败诉。重庆五中院作出一审判决:重庆啤酒于判决生效之日起十日内赔偿嘉威损失3.53亿元,同时驳回嘉威的其他诉讼请求,驳回重庆啤酒的反诉请求。
All the details on Enrique Olvera's pop-up, plus Din Tai Fung with an ocean view, a new-wave Korean tofu house, a Oaxacan gem's upgrade and more.
The Blitzboks will be among the first to play in the new Kai Tak Stadium when they compete in the Sevens rugby tournament there next week - amid an array of options for travellers.