Humans, at surface level, might look a bit like elongated chimps that have lost most of their body hair and gained some ...
A novel mouse model offers definitive evidence that a single inhibitory receptor family governs the critical natural killer cell functions of licensing and missing-self.
This study presents a valuable finding on the importance of the plasma metabolome in glaucoma risk prediction. The authors have used the UK Biobank data to interrogate the association between plasma ...
Objective Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α (PPARα) is a nuclear receptor expressed in tissues with high oxidative activity that plays a central role in metabolism. In this work, we ...
Stalk rot caused by Colletotrichum graminicola is a disease of worldwide importance. Stalk rot is difficult to detect at the early stages of infection because the fungus colonizes the tissues inside ...
cerevisiae, which had already had synthetic pieces of DNA inserted. These were backcrossed—a process which involves mating genetically different parent cells to create hybrid offspring ...
Objective Liver injury impacts hepatic inflammation in part via Toll-like receptor (TLR) signalling. Triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 2 (TREM-2) modulates TLR4-mediated inflammation in ...