The 2021 Belgium Grand Prix stands as the pinnacle of asininity with only one lap of racing officially being completed and ...
# “Neither a borrower nor a lender be” is advice from Shakespeare’s Hamlet. It suggests it’s best to avoid lending and borrowing money to maintain financial independence and avoid potential conflicts.
Which would you rather be: rich and famous, rich but not famous, famous but broke, or neither rich nor famous nor broke? Being broke and famous does not paint a pretty picture. These are the ...
Even then, it remained mostly male, but women like Shirley Jackson tested that, eclipsed that, with works like “The Lottery” (1948), and Flannery O’Connor followed suit with the existential horrors ...
“The proposal is a prize example of the kind of loose-tongued oratory by Government officials that so often gets a laugh at home, where its obvious asininity is recognized, but is twisted ...
The report of the commission accepted upping the retirement age. Ogunseye’s government never acted on it. The asininity about Ogunseye is that when he urged policemen to take up arms, he did not have ...