My mind went blank. Even though I'd been preparing for the interview for days, my mind went blank as soon as they started ...
You have a big heart!字面意思是“你心也太大了”,实际含义却是表示赞美:“你心太好了”,或者“你心地太善良了”,相当于, You are a kind person。Heart本意是“心脏”,还可以表达“性情;内心;心肠”。
盖世汽车讯 据外媒报道,韩国科学技术院(KAIST)的Choi Nam-soon教授及其研究团队联合该校材料科学与工程系的Hong ...
含义:“fetch” 有 “去拿来、去取来” 的意思,更加强调去一个地方把东西取回来这个过程,有往返的意味。而“courier” 既可以指快递员,也可以指快递包裹,在这里指快递包裹。
格隆汇3月13日丨 BENG SOON MACH (01987.HK)宣布,公司将于2025年3月28日举行董事会会议,藉以(其中包括)审议及批准公司及其附属公司截至2024年12月31日止年度的年度业绩,并考虑派付末期股息的建议(如有)。
To get wind of something, in sum-up, is to discover or become aware of something, usually through indirect sources. For example, the press in our example may have got wind of the couple falling in ...
US officials have landed in Moscow for talks over the Ukraine crisis, Russian media reported on Thursday. The team was headed ...
A reclusive Holocaust survivor, living in Brazil, convinces himself that his new neighbour is none other than Adolf Hitler. He soon forms a friendship with the mysterious man as he begins to collect e ...
Last November, Chinese automaker SAIC-GM-Wuling (SGMW) rolled a compact electric vehicle model off the assembly line at its subsidiary in Indonesia. The sleek four-seater, the subsidiary's 160,000th ...
美国总统川普(Donald Trump)与乌克兰总统泽伦斯基(Volodymyr Zelensky)上周在白宫爆发激烈争执,双方关系紧张之际,川普下令决定暂停对饱受战火摧残的乌克兰提供军事援助,泽伦斯基4日表示,他在白宫与美国总统 ...
LOS ANGELES, March 4 (Xinhua) -- Target Corporation, one of the largest retailers in the United States, warned of price hikes on produce after U.S. President Donald Trump's 25 percent tariffs on ...
在互联网上发布内容时,版权问题总是不可避免的,特别是当你的内容被他人认为侵犯了他们的版权时。DMCA(Digital Millennium Copy ...