Discover 8 tips to permanently eliminate body odor, from revolutionary hygiene techniques to dietary changes that transform ...
But skipping that post-gym rinse isn't just a matter of preference — it can lead to some seriously unpleasant consequences.
With summer around the corner, many are already dreading sweaty underarms and body odour. If you are wondering how to tackle this, worry not! Nutritionist Nmami Agarwal has shared a helpful video ...
These glands are in almost every area of skin, including the buttocks. Apocrine glands: do not regulate body temperature, and they exist mostly in the genital region, around the bellybutton ...
Treatment options for hyperhidrosis have evolved to include well-tolerated therapies with high rates of response.
Most of the body is covered by eccrine sweat glands that produce mostly salty water that has no scent, while apocrine glands in the armpit and groin areas emit waste proteins, carbohydrates and ...
German researchers and odor chemists have joined forces to study the question of “stench” in teenagers. Why is this period of ...
The idea that we need to wear scented sprays on our bodies to be clean is simply not true, says English anatomy professor ...
Assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) are commonly used in the field of reproduction to obtain embryos in domestic species (1). Currently, in vitro fertilization (IVF) is the technique of choice ...
Figure 1. Development and cycling of hair follicles (2). Selected stages of the morphogenesis of hair follicles and the three stages of follicular cycling (anagen, catagen, and telogen) are shown. The ...