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Tourists were treated to the rare sight of blood-red rainwater flowing down a cliff to the beach on Hormuz Island last week ...
A video taken in a popular tourist hotspot on an Iranian island shows rain flowing down a cliff, turning the beach and sea ...
t k = O 005401—0'000005.t J- Rock salt 3-161 c = 0'2146 + 0 00017t k = 0'0137 1 — 0'0044t - Anhydrite of Jura 2'892 c = 0'1802 + 0 0003.t. k = 0 0133 1 — 0^0024.t - Quartz 3'638 c = 0'1754 ...
The zone is visually identified by distinct centimetre sized silica "nodules" (after anhydrite) within finely laminated black shales and has now been recognised and sampled in over 20 holes spread ...
Department of Chemistry, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, U.K.
Confirms Deeper High-Grade Zones on Main Break; New Regional Zones at Larder ...