Post parturition period during which female animal does not exhibit estrus behavior and is unable to get successfully fertilized and conceive is known as post-partum anestrus. It causes buffalo ...
Cows nursing twin calves will require an estimated 13 percent more energy intake to maintain their body condition. Also, the additional suckling pressure on the cow will extend the post-calving ...
Smarter Heat Detection Activity monitoring technology is giving producers a more precise and efficient way to detect heats, ...
研究人员通过物理检查、阴道细胞学检查、卵巢检查和循环孕酮水平测定等多种方法,精准确定犬的发情周期阶段,将其分为 anestrus、proestrus、estrus、early diestrus 和 diestrus 五个阶段。随后,研究人员采集子宫样本,并对样本进行处理,分离出子宫内膜,测定蛋白 ...
Armagh farmer David McCarragher milks 80 Holstein Friesian cows alongside wife Stacey, father Melvin, and brother Andrew.
One way involves the use of exogenous progesterone in a controlled internal drug release (CIDR). CIDRs are an effective way to boost resumption of estrous cycles in anestrus cows, young or old, and ...
When your dog goes into heat, it starts to behave strangely. What does it mean for a dog to go into heat, what are the ...
Effects of oral powder electrolyte administration on packed cell volume, plasma chemistry parameters, and incidence of colic in horses participating in a 6-day 162-km trail ride.
The heart is a highly sex-biased organ, as sex shapes innumerable aspects of heart health and disease. Sex chromosomes and sex hormones —testosterone, progesterone, and estrogen— establish and ...