5 小时
海报文化 on MSN小城大戏丨沾化渔鼓戏的变革与坚守沾化渔鼓戏剧团的故事,是一个关于变革与坚守的故事。通过改制实现自我管理,通过原创作品推陈出新,通过坚守初心传承文化,剧团在小城市的小剧场里实现了大发展,成为地方戏剧院团自我造血、自我发展的典范。
《The Older I Get》不仅是一首简单的乡村歌曲,它让听众在音乐中找到共鸣,体味人生的深邃与宽广。这首歌为我们描绘了一幅幅记忆的画面,通过阿兰·杰克逊的演绎,让人感受到岁月带来的温暖与哲思。无论我们身处何地,这首歌都能成为我们生活中的一部分,提醒我们珍惜当下,感恩拥有。
According to the results of the second national census of ancient and historic tree resources released by the National Forestry and Grassland Administration, there are 5 ancient trees in China that ...
在当今这个快节奏的时代,一首银发歌手的乡村治愈歌曲《The Older I Get》迅速蹿红,成为社交媒体和音乐平台上的热门话题。它不仅在TikTok上突破了亿次播放,更在北上广深的白领群体中引发热烈讨论,许多人在深夜听着这首歌,感慨万千。似乎正如蔡琴的《恰似你的温柔》一样,这首歌打破了代际壁垒,引发了无数人的跨时代共鸣。
The Dong ethnic group, residing in the mountains of southwest China, is home to a unique culture, including the UNESCO-listed Grand Song. Join us to explore Zhaoxing Dong Village in Guizhou to learn ...
The little girl has been practicing martial arts since she was seven years old, with a strong core and very visible abdominal contours, it's really awesome!🤩🤩🤩#Martialarts #Traditions By Lei Xuanqi ...
Get ready to unleash your inner artist in Guangzhou's Liwan district, where old town meets creativity in the most amazing way. More than just stunning traditions, this vibrant district is a thriving ...
Standing for more than 700 years, the ancient building is testament to Beijing's history. Surrounding it, the labyrinth of ...
Mary discovers an old broomstick and the rare Fly-by-Night flower in the forest, and is suddenly whisked away to a secret school of magic that's run by a headmistress and a doctor.
with her professional moves. All kinds of instruments were at hand, and the young man said, "I am ashamed of myself." She still powers at 77 🔥 ...
3月14日至18日,6名来自拉脱维亚的记者在广州取景拍摄纪录片,通过他们的镜头向欧洲观众展现春日广州的风采。在短短5天的旅程中,他们沉浸式体验粤剧艺术,探索无人驾驶载人航空器前沿科技,感受博大精深的中医文化……广府文化与科技的完美交融令他们赞叹。“我 ...
3月17日,游客在沙溪古镇古戏台前游览观光。春日,云南省大理白族自治州剑川县的沙溪古镇迎来众多观光游客。古镇位于金沙江、澜沧江、怒江三江并流自然保护区东南部,历史上曾是滇藏茶马古道的重要驿站。古镇保存着传统村落风貌,包含大量明清时期的民居院落、古戏台 ...