春分是中国传统二十四节气( the 24 traditional Chinese solar terms)中的第四个节气。 “春分”的英文有点难度哦,看上去就很陌生: 春分的“分”有两个含义,一个是“昼夜平分”,在春分这天,太阳直射赤道,昼夜等长。
春分的另一个含义是“季节平分”。古时以立春到立夏之间为春季,而春分日正处于两个节气之中,正好平分了春季。昼夜平分点的英文表达为“Equinox [ˈekwɪnɑːks]”,所以春分是The Spring Equinox。
大江网/大江新闻客户端讯 平分昼夜的春分时刻,传统习俗如诗如画般展开。每一项习俗,都藏着先辈的智慧与对生活的热爱,让我们一同走进这些习 During the Spring Equinox, when day and night are equally divided, traditional customs unfold like poetry and paintings. Each ...
The China Night, an official series of events of the World Economic Forum (WEF) 2025 Annual Meeting, was held in Davos on January 22, Swiss time. As one of the key events of the WEF, this year's China ...
大江网/大江新闻客户端讯 平分昼夜的春分时刻,传统习俗如诗如画般展开。每一项习俗,都藏着先辈的智慧与对生活的热爱,让我们一同走进这些习俗,感受春日的独特魅力。
In the cycle of the twenty-four solar terms, the Spring Equinox is a symphony of balance written by nature for all living things. When the artisans gently guide the silver needle with their fingers, t ...
在周六的比赛中,罗马·多利泽(Roman Dolidze)在他的八角笼职业生涯中达到了一个新的高度,他在UFC Fight Night 254的主赛中成功复仇马文·维托里(Marvin Vettori)。在2023年3月的UFC ...
暴露在人造光源下睡觉,本该↑释放的褪黑素水平极大下降↓,除了让你睡不好,还会进一步改变瘦素、胃饥饿素和胰高血糖素等的水平,增加进食欲望,从而变得胖胖。 《PNAS》的一项研究发现:睡觉时暴露在人造光源下,可能会增加患糖尿病的风险,甚至损伤心脏。 [3 ...
北京时间今日,在NBA常规赛中,勇士队在客场121-119击败了篮网队。 在比赛最后时刻,库里接到德雷蒙德-格林的助攻命中底角三分,在还剩1分钟左右时一举将比分分差拉开到10分。 命中这一三分后,库里非常兴奋,再度做出经典的“Night ...
The main news bulletin of ERT presents the latest developments from Greece and around the world every night at 9:00 pm, with detailed reports in the fields of politics, economics, and culture. Deliver ...
Mary discovers an old broomstick and the rare Fly-by-Night flower in the forest, and is suddenly whisked away to a secret school of magic that's run by a headmistress and a doctor.
来自MSN13 天
解锁重庆夜校Gap Night:认知“快充” 社交升温(来源:中国新闻网)Gap Year(间隔年)指年轻人毕业后不立即升学或工作,而是通过旅行、游学、义工等方式进行过渡。然而,Gap Year的时间成本太高,部分中国网友将Year缩短为Day,并进一步引申出Gap Night、Gap ...