Vision & Colour Music Festival is returning to Zhuhai, China, announcing an impressive Phase 1 lineup featuring Skrillex, ...
China's central government announced Thursday that two new measures aimed at facilitating travel and residency for residents ...
The Asian Champions League, or ACL, Asia's top international, multi-title eSports tournament, opens in Shanghai on Wednesday.
▲ 新加坡眼,点击卡片关注,加星标,以防失联2025年2月5日,新加坡数码发展及新闻部长杨莉明在国会书面答复碧山-大巴窑集选区议员安迪有关加强监管以审查社交媒体公司后台算法必要性的质询。以下内容为新加坡眼根据国会英文资料翻译整理: ...
Today, we’re hearing from top entrepreneurs in China, from Guangdong, who are driving innovation in technology and industry worldwide. Deputies He Xiaopeng, Li Changdong, and Wu Fengli introduced ...
吉利汽车 控股有限公司 (Geely Automobile)2024年净利润增长两倍多,受强劲的销售和创纪录的出口推动,帮助巩固了该公司作为中国竞争激烈的电动汽车行业领先企业之一的地位。 这家中国汽车制造商周四表示,由于收入增长34%至人民币2,401.9亿元,2024年净利润飙升213%至人民币166.3亿元(相当于23亿美元)。
“大部分患者是单纯性肥胖,这就需要多学科协作共同完成,这里包括胃肠减重外科、营养科、中医科、精神卫生科、呼吸科等,新开设的门诊更加方便了患者,以前不同病因的患者需要转科室诊疗,现在病人不动了,我们相应科室医生根据病人需求前来问诊。” 她说道。
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He stated that the Greater Bay Area has a lot of diversity such as the manufacturing bases of Foshan and Dongguan, or the tourism destination of Huizhou. “More important is they are working together.
【#台北青年医师沪上传承中医薪火#】台北青年陈瑞祥毕业于台湾龙华科技大学电子机械专业。2005年,他毅然决定跨专业深造,前往上海中医药大学攻读中医学本科。2007年,大陆向台湾居民开放医师资格考试。凭借扎实的专业基础和勤奋努力,陈医师于2012年成功考取中医师执照。此后,他遍访祖国各地名医,融合台湾臧氏脉学与传统中医理论,形成了独到的中医治疗见解。扎根上海十余年,陈瑞祥凭借精湛的针灸技艺与正骨手法 ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
As of Monday, the Chinese mythical franchise Ne Zha 2, or Ne Zha: Demon Child Conquers the Sea, has surpassed 13.6 billion yuan ($1.88 billion) in worldwide box office revenue, including presales, ...