Students’ Scientific Association, Department of Digestive Tract Surgery, Faculty of Medical Sciences in Katowice, Medical University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland Department of Digestive Tract Surgery, ...
This important study reports a novel function of ATG14 in preventing pyroptosis and inflammation in oviduct cells, thus allowing smooth transport of the early embryo to the uterus and implantation.
These cancers are classified based on their anatomical location, including intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (arising within the liver), perihilar cholangiocarcinoma (occurring at the junction of the ...
体检报告上,最让人摸不着头脑的几个词之一,可能就是“息肉”。 胃息肉、肠息肉、胆囊息肉……光是看到名字,就让人心里犯嘀咕:“这玩意儿严重吗?”“需要切掉吗?”“会不会变成癌?” ...
他们基于人类颞骨的高分辨率微 CT 扫描数据,构建了一个精细的 3D 虚拟人体前庭系统模型,这个模型高度还原了膜迷路(membranous labyrinth)的解剖结构,包括椭圆囊、壶腹(ampullae)、壶腹嵴(ampullary crests)和三个半规管,为后续研究提供了精准的基础。
If you wish to reuse any or all of this article please use the link below which will take you to the Copyright Clearance Center’s RightsLink service. You will be ...
The scale rates three sections of the colon, right (cecum and ascending colon), mid-colon (transverse and descending) and rectosigmoid, on a five-point scale (0–4). Total score (0–14) is ...
Three patients in the anicteric group had benign tumours (2 cases of benign IPMN and 1 case of benign ampullary tumour). The benign nature was confirmed on clinical and radiological follow-up. No ...