Straightforward skeletal editing chemistry now enables the direct insertion of nitrogen into carbon–carbon double bonds.
不过,该研究也存在一些局限性,比如没有在 CLP 小鼠中测试 DNase I 或 Cl - amidine,且 NETs 调节 Wnt 信号的精确机制还不清楚,这也为后续的研究指明了方向。总之,这项研究为深入理解 SAE 的发病机制和治疗提供了重要的理论依据,具有重要的临床意义和研究价值。
Faculty of Chemistry and Mineralogy, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Leipzig University, Johannisallee 29, 04103 Leipzig, Germany ...
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external page ...In less than two months after (Peter) Koymans and (Carlo) Pagano posted their paper online, an independent team of four mathematicians announced a new proof of the same result.
This study provides a comprehensive exploration of the role of IL-1β signaling during development of lung injury induced by a combination of underlying inflammation and mechanical ventilation. The ...
在体内实验中,研究人员给 TBI 小鼠连续 3 天腹腔注射 PAD4 选择性抑制剂 Cl - amidine 来抑制 NETs 产生。结果显示,Cl - amidine 处理后,挫伤皮层中 citH3 水平显著降低,表明 NETs 形成减少。同时,Western blot 结果表明,TBI 后 ZO - 1 和 occludin 表达大幅下降,而 Cl - amidine ...