The latest research led from Manchester could revolutionize the diagnosis of Perrault syndrome, a rare genetic condition that ...
Using an unbiased approach, this important study discovered a role of Ezh2 in the differentiation of granule neuron precursors, the cell of origin for Shh group of medulloblastoma. Furthermore, the ...
Optimal therapeutic targeting of cancer involves clonal signals which are expressed within all cancer cellsGradalis applies a novel clinically ...
PacBio (NASDAQ: PACB), a leading provider of high-quality, highly accurate sequencing platforms, today announced a newly ...
Loci can also be grouped into schemes so that types can be defined by combinations of allelic profiles, a concept analagous to MLST. The latest version of the BIGSdb documentation can be found at ...
Bacteria navigate tradeoffs between phage resistance and interbacterial competition. This study reveals that while LPS ...
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ViLR的独特优势在于:既继承了二代测序的高性价比,又突破性地获得长读长数据。其6.07%的等位基因脱扣率(Allelic Dropout, ADO)远低于常规WGA技术的15-20%,确保胚胎诊断的可靠性。
Researchers sought to evaluate differences in ctDNA profiles, use of targeted treatments, and overall survival between Black and White patients with metastatic breast cancer.
The Spectrum Compact CE System is an integrated and efficient instrument that brings you the independence to perform Sanger sequencing and fragment analysis in your laboratory, under your control ...
However, the functional relevance of the regulation of glycine metabolism by endogenous enzymes is unclear. Using a chromosome-engineered allelic series in mice, we report that a triplication of the ...
This month's cover highlights the article Nup358 restricts ER-mitochondria connectivity by modulating mTORC2/Akt/GSK3β signalling by Joseph, Misha Kalarikkal and colleagues. The image shows a human ...