Donna Kelce, mother of NFL stars Travis and Jason Kelce, highlights the painful condition of shingles, urging those over 50 ...
Department of Pharmacology and Molecular Sciences, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 725 North Wolfe Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21205, United States ...
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Abscess If you notice a painful bump on the roof of your mouth, it could be an abscess—an infection that forms when bacteria ...
(曼谷18日讯)泰国政府发出警告,滥用药物不仅无助病情,甚至可能引发肾衰竭,危及生命!目前,泰国肾病患者已高达112万人,经济损失高达1.6万亿泰铢(约为2080亿令吉)。根据《泰国网》报道,泰国首相署副发言人卡隆列举多个“最伤肾药物”包括非甾体抗炎 ...
We often think of chickenpox as a children's illness, but in reality, anyone can be affected. The virus can live dormant in ...
Theralase® will be hosting a conference call on March 19th at 11:00 am ET, which will include a presentation of the financial ...
一名18岁少女因私密处溃疡且伤口疼痛就医,原以为只是私密处疱疹,岂料进一步筛检发现,不仅感染多种性病,还曾得过梅毒却浑然不知。医师指出,梅毒有「伟大模仿者」称号,初期症状不明显,容易被忽略,早期的红疹甚至可能被误认为过敏反应,导致许多患者直到后期才发 ...
Several trends and developments are influencing the management and treatment of HSV infections. One major trend is the ...
CSF protein, glucose, and microbiology were normal. A presumed diagnosis of meningo-encephalitis was made and the patient was treated with acyclovir and antibiotics. The patient made a good recovery ...
Herpesvirus infection may contribute to Alzheimer’s disease through transposable element activation and neuroinflammation.