As you might imagine, malt vinegar is sour, but that's not the only flavor. It's tangy and slightly citrusy with some nutty, ...
He details the many things that can come out of the humble coconut tree: wine, a powder from the hard coconut shell, the ...
Wright, H. B., and Walker, T. K., Chem. and Indust., 18 (1955). Walker, T. K., and Wright, H. B., Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 69, 362 (1957).
For microbial metagenomic DNA extraction, one third of each of the three parallel samples was mixed. Then, DNA was extracted from 10 g of each mixed sample using the E.Z.N.A. ® Soil DNA Kit (Omega, ...
The main differences between Triplex MCT oil and the Organic Virgin Coconut Oil are the levels of Medium Chain Fatty Acids, the speed of ketone conversion, and the length of ketone bioavailability.
The EOs were purchased from the company Phytoterapica (Solua Comercial LTDA). According to the manufacturer, all EOs were obtained by steam distillation. Following the methodology adapted from ...
Infections caused by the gastrointestinal nematode Haemonchus contortus are one of the main reasons for economic losses in sheep breeding (Miller et al., 2012; Zajac, 2006). Attempts to control ...