目前,虽然知道一些康复运动对产后恢复有帮助,但对于哪种运动方式能更有效地激活腹横肌(Transversus abdominis,TrA),还没有定论。尤其是上肢或下肢内收结合用力呼气的运动,到底效果如何,亟待研究。在这样的背景下,欧洲大学马德里分校的研究人员 ...
OBJECTIVE To evaluate pain, functional capacity, and quality of life of patients with non-specific chronic low back pain, after home-based exercise therapy with different kinds of supervision. METHOD ...
PURPOSE: To investigate the effect of adding biofeedback (BF) to the training of pelvic floor muscles (PFMT) for the treatment of stress urinary incontinence (SUI). METHODS: A prospective pilot study, ...