The impossibility of conveying in ordinary Yiddish the experience of walking through the empty streets of one’s eradicated ...
Foreign Minister Winston Peters says he's deeply concerned about renewed fighting in Gaza. Peters said "a permanent end to ...
It seems to have become an unspoken requirement of recent that anyone in charge of promoting or putting on the plays of ...
In Jesus's fall beneath the weight of the Cross, the meaning of his whole life is seen: his voluntary abasement, which lifts us up from the depths of our pride. The nature of our pride is also ...
This is a narrative device that previously proved indigestible in Aaron Sorkin’s The Newsroom where Jeff Daniels’s anchorman, Will McAvoy, is a solitary voice making the right call on real-life ...
By Vartan Oskanian, Armenia’s former foreign minister In what can only be described as a tragicomic nadir of modern Armenian ...