A zsh library to use LS_COLORS in scripts or other plugins. For a simple demo, see the zstyle-demo script in this repo.
The Zsh plugin replaces the GNU/ls with lots of added features like colors, icons, tree-view, and other formatting options. Enable auto list directories on cd with export AUTOCD=1.
Tuesday’s Recap May Soybean futures settled at 1012’6 Tuesday, off by 2’6, in lower trade across the board. Overall, a light 188,413 contracts were traded, with 10 ...
I recently found myself wondering how big various man pages are. Some are so long, they seem impenetrable, while others have ...
整个视频只有1分钟,主要呈现了一个名为Stella的女孩,在意外坠落到一个名为“盖亚”的星球上后艰难求生的故事。Stella身着宇航服,是一个较为年轻且长相颇为东方化的女孩子,玩家是Stella唯一能够联络的人,其目前展现出的玩法,就是玩家借助语音对 ...
The corn market posted mixed action on Tuesday, with nearbys down 2 to 3 cents. New crop December was up ¼ cent at the close. The CmdtyView national average Cash Corn price was b ...
Which games in the 2025 NCAA men’s tournament will bust your bracket? Our March Madness upset predictions are in.
Cursor AI 安全级别拉满也挡不住「黑客入侵」! Cursor AI 在开发者圈炸了,这个用着超爽的「YOLO 模式」,正成为安全研究人员的「重灾区」。 这不是一个简单的漏洞,而是一场潜伏的灾难。 Ilias Ism 直接点名:Cursor ...
The perception that macOS is inherently more secure can create a dangerous blind spot for organizations. Macs are not ...
热点新闻暴雨、大暴雨都要来!雨量最大是这天领补贴啦!最高15000元昨日,记者从自治区文化和旅游厅了解到,自治区文化和旅游厅、自治区发展和改革委员会联合印发了《广西国家A级旅游景区“一票3日使用制”实施方案(试行)》(以下简称《方案》),备受社会关注的广西景区“一票3日使用制”正式公布。从第一次入园之日算 ...
Apple has released the fourth beta version of iOS 18.4, MacOS Sequoia 15.4, and iPadOS 18.4, all of which are set to be fairly minor software updates but do include a handful of new features, and will ...