XRF Scientific Limited ( ASX:XRF ), might not be a large cap stock, but it saw significant share price movement ...
3月19日,本轮油价周期统计最后1个工作日,今晚12点将迎来2025年第6次油价调整,参考原油变化率为-6.42%,预计汽、柴油价格将分别下调280元/吨和270元/吨,折算为每升油价下跌0.21元~0.24元。此次调整后,国内成品油定价机制年内首次 ...
Business of manufacturing and marketing precious metal products, specialised chemicals and instruments for the scientific, analytical and mining industries.
Quezon City. In a bid to prevent potential incidents of lead exposure, especially among children, the toxics watchdog group ...
There has been a lot of discussion around the current record high gold spot price, with new record highs being broken in 2025. Many people are now looking to take advantage of these new high prices ...
Quezon City.  In a bid to prevent potential incidents of lead exposure, especially among children, the toxics watchdog group ...
For a number of years, feed raw materials have been rapidly tested by near infrared spectroscopy (NIR) for tight control of ...
A man, 33, was being held in the Dallas County jail Sunday in connection with a fatal shooting that occurred in east Oak ...
中国药科大学能量色散X射线荧光光谱仪项目的潜在供应商应在现场或线上获取采购文件,并于2025年3月24日9点00分(北京时间)前提交响应文件。 (1)具有独立承担民事责任的能力(提供法人或者其他组织的营业执照,自然人的身份证明复印件加盖公章); (2 ...
中新社长春3月18日电 (记者 郭佳)“冰雪文化及冰雪生态可持续发展”国际青年论坛18日在吉林长春举办,来自世界各地的“Z世代”大学生分享了在吉林遇到的“冰雪奇缘”,并表示要将这段美好经历分享给更多人。