With nearly 100 undergraduate, 140 graduate programs and many more minors, concentrations and certificates, Saint Louis University offers a truly personalized experience. SLU is home to many highly ...
The DePauw University Style Guide provides writing style standards for publications created for DePauw’s external audiences. Also included are examples of correct grammar and forms about which people ...
How to write in plain English, structure content with headings, and make accessible hyperlinks so that everyone can access your digital content, whatever their need.
Follow these guidelines when applying a name to a building, room, space, scholarship, faculty position endowment, department, school, lecture series, conference or other named program. Titles should ...
The university seeks to promote and increase participation of underrepresented suppliers and contractors in the procurement process with a program that reflects the broad diversity of our local New ...
Writing inclusively is one part of this work. It reflects the importance of how our communications are received by others. This guide is designed to help us write in a way that engages with our ...
For any style questions not addressed in this guide, please refer to The Associated Press Stylebook. For other spelling or usage questions not addressed in the AP guide, we encourage you to refer to ...
commonly called "AP style," and the Chicago Manual of Style, commonly called "Chicago style." Nearly all of the recommendations in Writing for and about WMU are consistent with AP style, which is the ...
The University Style Guide is designed to help writers and communicators across campus with matters of grammar and style, whether writing for the University’s internal or external audiences. This ...
We offer support in all subjects—from academic assignments to dissertations—for both undergraduate and graduate students. We meet with you individually to discuss your work and we also offer events ...
CSE stands for the Council of Science Editors; this citation style was formerly referred to as CBE, after the Council of Biology Editors (prior to their change of name in 1999). CSE formatting is used ...