BEIJING, Feb. 8 (Xinhua) -- Chinese researchers have unveiled a novel application of the Earth science satellite SDGSAT-1 for observing offshore oil and gas platforms.
螃蟹大战是一款以螃蟹为角色的格斗游戏,玩家可以选择不同的角色进行对战。游戏中有着丰富的角色和技能,玩家需要通过操作来释放技能并击败对手。游戏支持多人在线对战,可以与其他玩家进行实时的竞技对战。游戏画面精美,操作简单易上手,适合喜欢格斗游戏的玩家。 《水下战争》是一款战术回合制策略游戏,由Dynamic Lab ...
Chloe, a young woman struggling with depression, finds solace in her love for diving after the loss of her father. While ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
Scientists researching Alpine glaciers store ice in Antarctica. By analysing air bubbles in the ice they may be able to predict the future ...
From Universal Studios' Minion Land to Rainforest Wild Asia, add these new tourist attractions to your Singapore bucket list.
探索浩渺海洋的极致乐趣!寻找最热门的航海游戏?这篇文章带你领略风帆与科技交融的魅力。深入挖掘各类航海游戏的世界,体验细腻剧情、真实模拟还是策略竞技?紧跟潮流,一探究竟,你心中的理想海域等你来征服! 《神圣航路》是一款终极的本地多人派对游戏。准备与其它海盗船只在海上展开战斗吧! 《超级木筏》是一款roguelike射击冒险游戏,玩家将驾驶一艘木筏在洪水中生存。游戏中的角色可以与朋友合作,一边扩建木筏 ...