编注: 本文是「2024 年度征文」共创赛道的入围文章。文章代表作者个人观点,少数派仅对标题和排版略作修改。本文参加年度征文活动共创赛道。两年多前,我被一些博主种草了一款能根据屏幕内容同步的飞利浦流光溢彩灯带。然而它 2000 ...
目前最好的选择,毫无疑问,是WLED。如果你不熟悉WLED, WLED项目是一个控制led和基于spi的芯片组的web服务器。 要装饰您的照明设置,WS2812B RGB led是最好的选择之一。为了控制这些可寻址的led,我们需要一个像ESP32这样的微控制器,还必须上传代码。编写代码来 ...
feel free to contribute by opening a pull request! In order for other people to be able to have fun with your usermod, please keep these points in mind: While I do my best to not break too much, keep ...
Quick usermod to accomplish something similar to this video. This usermod enables you to add a lightstrip alongside or on the steps of a staircase. When the userVar0 variable is set, the LEDs will ...
There is new medical guidance in California for drivers with seizure disorders. It says having a history of seizures should ...
以极低的成本,获得一个能在 Apple 家庭 app 控制的彩光灯带设备。
15.6 inches (39.62 cm) 1920 x 1080 pixels 1.85 Kg, 17.9 mm thick ...