Michael Markmiller was in excruciating pain for years. The 53-year-old couldn’t walk more than 100 meters without his legs going numb or stand up straight without sharp pains going down his legs.
People traipse cross-country to see clouds of kites, or to catch a glimpse of a golden eagle in its highland home, and webcams fixed on the nests of ospreys, owls and peregrine falcons draw huge ...
A geriatric woman and her associates are terrorizing Lower East Side locals by dumping dozens of pounds of birdseed in a tiny local park, turning the space into a putrid buffet for pigeons and ...
Driving on Vermont’s interstate highways in winter, I often notice large hawks perched in trees on woodland edges at regular intervals along the road. With the stark landscape providing better ...
Across the dirt road is the woodlot of straight juvenile poplar broken up by the occasional birch and cut across by leaning dead and downed trunks. Alongside lot and kitty-corner ...