流感疫苗被誉为预防医学的里程碑,但在65岁以上老年群体中,其保护效力仅为30-50%,远低于年轻人的70-90%。这种"疫苗失效困境"背后,隐藏着免疫系统衰老的两大特征:免疫衰老(Immunosenescence)导致的初始T细胞库枯竭,以及炎症衰老(Inflamm-aging)引发的慢性低度炎症。更棘手的是,疫苗接种本身可能加剧这种炎症风暴,形成"接种-炎症-低应答"的恶性循环。面对全球老龄化加 ...
《Current Microbiology》:Protection of Ducks Against Highly Pathogenic H5Nx Avian Influenza Viruses by HA Cleavage Site Peptide Vaccine ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...