MOSCOW, March 23 (Xinhua) -- Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Sunday that achieving a ceasefire in the Russia-Ukraine ...
在沙特阿拉伯会谈前夕,美国总统唐纳德·特朗普 (Donald Trump)的首席谈判代表史蒂夫·威特科夫 (Steve Witkoff)呼应了克里姆林宫在乌克兰战争问题上的 一些主要观点 ,同时主张美俄未来关系应建立在共同商业利益的基础上。
美国总统特朗普 (Donald Trump)希望莫斯科方面同意与乌克兰停火30天,他寄望在计划于周二 与俄罗斯总统普京 (Vladimir Putin)的通话 上。不过,普京可能会借机要求乌克兰在领土和其他方面作出让步。
Ceasefire talks on Russia-Ukraine conflicts are scheduled for Sunday in the Saudi Arabian city of Jeddah, a US envoy said Tuesday.
US and Russian delegations started fresh talks on Monday in Saudi Arabia, which are reportedly expected to cover discussions ...
埃马纽埃尔·马克龙总统警告说,俄罗斯已经成为法国和欧洲的明显威胁,欧洲必须在国防和安全方面做出重大决定。 In a televised address, he said Europe had to be prepared for the ...
3月11日,30多个国家在巴黎讨论在俄乌停火的情况下组建国际维和部队的可能性,美国未受邀巴黎峰会,但将与乌克兰在沙特举行停火谈判。(点击收听) ...
美国总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)多次表示要推动俄乌战争立即结束。他就职后曾与俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京(Vladimir Putin)通电话,上星期则下令暂停对乌克兰的军援,以迫使泽连斯基坐上谈判桌。
"We're also signing agreements in various locations to unlock rare earths and minerals and lots of other things all over the world, but in particular Ukraine," Trump said. He said last month that he ...
普京总统身着军装访问了俄罗斯西部的库尔斯克地区,声称这片8月份被乌克兰占领的领土很快就会被推进的俄罗斯军队完全解放。 Ukraine's military commander Alexander Szerzsky said his troops ...
Ukrainian Ambassador to Australia Vasyl Myroshnychenko speaking during the Nuix XLR8/23 conference at Doltone House in Sydney ...