大数据时代下微生物组学的发展迎来了新的机遇与挑战,因此我们开发了Dix-seq以便于用户处理扩增子测序数据。测试结果表明Dix-seq的综合性能基本上略强或持平当前主流的扩增子测序数据分析软件,而且其 部署方便 , 使用简单 , 可拓展性强 ...
多态性信息含量(PIC)值介于 0.250(umc2334)到 0.730(phi034)之间,平均值为 0.521。通过非加权组平均法(UPGMA)算法,将基因型分为两个主要聚类,而邻接法分析则划分出三个主要聚类。结构分析将基因型分为两个亚群。有 15 个基因型(DQL-609–1-3、DQL-774–171 ...
Red indicates higher GS, while blue indicates lower GS, with GS values ranging from 0.087 to 0.952. Based on the genetic distances, the UPGMA dendrogram of the three generations of C. putoensis ...
在数据分析方面,借助 GenAlEx v.6.5 和 PowerMarker v.3.25 软件计算遗传多样性参数,运用 MEGAX 软件的 UPGMA 算法进行聚类分析,利用 STRUCTURE v.2.3.4 软件进行种群结构研究,通过 Arlequin v.3.5 软件进行分子方差分析(AMOVA)。 研究结果 SSR 标记的遗传多样性:研究发现 ...
tar -zxvf VCF2DisXXX.tar.gz # if Link do not work ,Try re-install [zlib]library cd VCF2DisXXX; # [zlib] and copy them to the library Dir sh make.sh; # VCF2Dis-xx/src ...
Background: Recurrent acute pancreatitis (RAP) poses significant clinical challenges, with 32.3% developing to chronic pancreatitis within 5 years. The underlying microbial factors contributing to RAP ...
Ancient DNA research in the past decade has revealed that European population structure changed dramatically in the prehistoric period (14,000–3000 years before present, YBP), reflecting the ...
return sum(c1 != c2 for c1, c2 in zip(seq1, seq2)) u_values = {i: sum(distance_matrix[(i, j)] for j in nodes if i != j) / (len(nodes) - 2) for i in nodes} diff_values ...