Plans for over 160 new homes in the St Austell area, another 49 near Wadebridge and over 100 caravans at a holiday park are among the latest planning applications submitted to Cornwall Council.
The latest survey by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors reveals that housing market activity is slowing due to the ...
UK housing market momentum slowed in February – surveyors - Concerns over stamp duty changes, interest rates, inflation and ...
Britain's housing market had its slowest month in more than a year in February as a rush by buyers to close deals ahead of ...
The latest data shows how regional property prices are performing quite differently across England, Wales, Scotland and ...
Majority of UK parents happy to allow their adult children to live with them. £107 per week the average Parent Landlord rent, ...
Deanery Demesne Ltd has invested more than £30m and delivered over 135 homes with work continuing on a further 37 properties, ...
IJM Corp Bhd has acquired a £72.5 million (about RM407.9mil) leasehold interest in the historic 1-5 London Wall Buildings, now rebranded as 25 Finsbury Circus, in London's financial core.
CK Asset Holdings' (CHKGF) shares have risen 20% after a fall 2024 dividend cut, outperforming peers. Read why I remain ...
Since March 2021, the value of my Persimmon shares has fallen nearly 60%. However, I remain optimistic and look forward to ...
Searching for the best passive income stocks to buy in these uncertain times? Here are two high-yield heroes I think merit a ...
The UK office market is on track for the strongest rental growth in a generation, according to the latest figures from BNP Paribas Real Estate, with rises forecast in London and key regional cities.