The UGS approved $4.5 million worth of grants out of the $8 million that various Volunteer Student Organizations (VSOs) ...
2024年,苏州市以地区生产总值26727.0亿元的成绩位居全省第一,比上年增长6.0%,增速居全国GDP万亿级城市前列。苏州凭借深厚的产业基础、蓬勃的科技创新能力和持续优化的营商环境,不断推动经济高质量发展,展现出强大的发展活力和无限潜力。项目“加 ...
@宜昌车主,注意了别急着加油今天(19日)油价或将迎年度最大降幅国内成品油调价窗口将于‌3月19日24时(周三晚12点)‌开启,当前监测数据显示,‌油价将迎2025年第三次下调‌,预计每升油价跌幅超0.2元,加满50升油箱可省11元左右。3月18日, ...
UGS Groundwater Data Portal web application that compiles a large data set of groundwater data and displays it on an interactive web map ...
Gas withdrawal from UGS facilities in EU countries amounted to 395 mln cubic meters (mcm) on March 12, according to GIE.
研究人员为解决视网膜血管分割难题,开展 UGS-M3F 模型研究,结果显示其性能优异,对眼部疾病诊断意义重大。 在医学领域,眼睛就像一个 “健康窗口”,通过观察视网膜血管的变化,医生能发现许多疾病的蛛丝马迹,比如糖尿病性视网膜病变、高血压性 ...
Gas withdrawal from UGS facilities in EU countries amounted to 166 mln cubic meters (mcm) on March 8, according to GIE.
Roblox is launching and open-sourcing Cube 3D, the first version of its foundational AI model for generating 3D objects.
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