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Patel said she experienced an emotional low after learning she had a rare and aggressive form of thyroid cancer.
Patel said she experienced an emotional low after learning she had a rare and aggressive form of thyroid cancer.
Over time, untreated GERD can lead to damage to the esophagus, such as inflammation, strictures, or Barrett’s oesophagus, a ...
From the Christ Hospital Health Network Blog Esther Cheng, MD, The Christ Hospital Physicians – Ear, Nose & Throat With spring in the air, if you have seasonal allergies, your sneezing ...
Application of the ACE-Star Evidence-Based Nursing Model Combined with Voice Training in Voice Rehabilitation after Vocal Cord Polyp Surgery ...
Endocrine cancers are a mixed group of diseases characterized by uncontrolled cellular proliferation of the hormone-producing glands of the endocrine system. These include the thyroid, adrenal ...