Most Americans have no idea their taxes are regularly being used to torture animals, but your taxes are being used to torture puppies and turn mice transgender.
A team of undergraduate researchers has developed an innovative way to produce essential medications more affordably and ...
Glyoxalase Domain-containing Protein 4 (GLOD4), the First Identified in a New Class of Enzymes Called Nitrases, Generates ...
The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) Senior Secondary Class 12 Biotechnology exam is on 21st March,2025. Therefore ...
The Fellows of the AACR Academy have elected Elaine V. Fuchs, PhD, FAACR, as their next President. She will assume the ...
Up in Canada, students have developed an incredible new way to synthesize drugs on plants — and they're using semaglutide, ...
Deal with the loss of canceled federal contracts and grants over alleged antisemitism on campus or cave to Trump demands that ...
过去三个月,马斯克的政治效率部搞得整个美国是鸡飞狗跳,哀声载道,现在终於有大佬忍不住跳了出来。美国AI教父丶图灵奖得主Hinton公然开撕马斯克,怒斥他正在对美国科学机构造成巨大损害,马斯克也是光速回怼,表示你评论区那些观点完全就是草率无知丶刻薄且不 ...
The team of researchers found that a gene in Poncirus trifoliata, a hardy citrus relative, is what's behind the plant's ...
To protect crops from rising droughts, scientists are looking to the genes of a small group of plants that can survive months ...
When parents are trying to teach children to be truthful they talk about the consequences of lies and the morality of truth.