Inside the tooth is soft tissue containing ... Stage 5: Infection, Abscess, and Gum Disease Once tooth decay reaches the pulp, it evolves into a full infection that affects the nerves and blood ...
Smoking and other tobacco use can cause oral health problems like gum disease and tooth decay. Tooth decay is the destruction of tooth structure and can affect both the enamel and the dentin layer ...
Inside our mouths live more than 700 species ... Kelsey McClellan for The New York Times Tooth decay is the most common noncommunicable disease worldwide. In addition to brushing and flossing ...
Do this two times a day to help reduce pain in the tooth and surrounding gums. Try a dab of clove oil For a natural a numbing agent that soothes nerve pain, Jablow recommends using a dab of clove ...
What Causes Tooth Decay in Kids? Tooth decay in children occurs when bacteria in the mouth produce acids that attack the enamel, the outer protective layer of teeth. These bacteria thrive on sugars ...
According to an 11-year-long study by the Oral Health Foundation, people who use electric toothbrushes have healthier gums, less tooth decay, and keep their teeth longer versus those who use ...