Soul App团队在论文中提出了一个新的面向实时音频驱动人像动画(即Talking Head)的自回归框架,解决了视频画面生成耗时长的行业挑战外,还实现了说话时头部生成以及人体各部位运动的自然性和逼真性。此次论文的入选,也证明了Soul App在推动多模态能力构建特别是视觉层面能力突破上取得了阶段性成果。
3月20日,东映动画在Digimon Con 2025上公布了数码宝贝大冒险25周年纪念PV《数码宝贝大冒险-BEYOND-》,看着短片中太一与阿和长大后的样子,我的思绪顿时回到了20多年前看数码宝贝的时候。彼时因为年纪小并不能完全感悟动画中展现的团结和友情,只记得亚古兽第一次究极进化成战斗暴龙兽时的热血沸腾,又或者第一部结尾中“飞帽杀”的离别伤感。
BEIJING, March 20 (Xinhua) -- The Shenzhou-19 crew members on board China's space station will conduct their third extravehicular activities (EVAs) within the next few days, the China Manned Space ...
China stepped up its greening efforts last year, planting nearly 4.5 million hectares of forest, a report from the National Greening Commission said on March 12, which was also the 47th National Tree ...
The governance of a city requires a plethora of complicated systems that in the past have brought with them challenges in planning, coordination and execution. In the age of technology, AI is lending ...
U.S. consumer sentiment in March fell for the third month in a row as concerns about the economy intensified amid tariff ...
2025年3月14日, Third Coast(TCBX)披露1笔公司内部人交易情况。高管Bobbora William于2025年3月14日买入2000股。 Third Coast Bancshares, ...