Researchers from Nagoya University in Japan and the Slovak Academy of Sciences have unveiled new insights into the interplay ...
For over a century, the Maxwell’s Demon paradox has haunted physics. This thought experiment suggests that a tiny, ...
The course introduces the student to statistical mechanics and thermodynamics. Statistical mechanics is the microscopic foundation of thermodynamics. The student is introduced to the fundamental ...
Mathematical equations have shaped our understanding of the universe, and these nine have played a key role in changing the world.
Scientists presented a minimal heat engine model that can attain Carnot efficiency while achieving maximum power output.
Entropy always increases, but in quantum systems, traditional entropy measures seem constant. TU Wien researchers resolved this paradox by considering Shannon entropy, which accounts for the ...
To understand interactions down to the molecular level and up to global climate changes, we need to study physical chemistry. The course provides an introduction to basic principles of thermodynamics ...
Human activities continue to pump billions of tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each year, raising global ...
These findings provide further insights into the mysterious relationship between the quantum world and thermodynamics. While the role of entropy is evident in the classical world, ...
Research paves way for potentially revolutionary advances in energy conversion technologies that could lead to more efficient ...