四川人工智能产业迎来历史性突破。2024年,四川AI产业营收首次突破千亿元大关,同比增长25%,展现出强劲的发展势头。在四川省人工智能产业链产品发布会上,'四川造'机器人和大模型产品组团亮相,展现了四川在AI领域的深厚积累和创新能力。这些成果的背后, ...
Topmost, that is, in terms of quality, ability, popularity, etc. In other words, these musicians are the best among peers.
宝子们👋,今天来唠唠超炸的进博会走进湖北专题对接活动!3 月 18 日在湖北武汉东湖国际会议中心,那场面简直了🥳,人头攒动、热闹非凡,世界各地的企业都来这儿洽谈合作,好多企业都成功“牵手”啦,氛围感直接拉满!
上海市卫生人才交流服务中心将于本周六上午9时在上海人才大厦(梅园路77号)召开“2025上海卫生人才春季招聘会”。 在本场招聘会上,全市92家医疗卫生机构将发布医、护、技、药、科研、行政等1578个职位,拟招聘3779人,其中255个职位面向海外人才。求职者可登录上海卫生人才招聘网报名。 本次招聘会同时设有“直播访谈”活动,复旦大学附属中山医院、上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院、上海中医药大学附属曙 ...
亚洲权威国际设计盛会第十二届“设计上海”将于2025年6月4日至7日在上海世博展览馆举办。这一见证全球设计变迁与更迭的盛会,在短短十余年间,已打造了亚洲范围内独具影响力的前沿对话平台,近千位行业先锋于此表达观点、分享实践。今年“设计上海”将继续携手1 ...
This year, Guangdong initiated the "Millions of Talents Gather in Guangdong" project, rolling out a series of incentives to attract talent. Apart from the Spring Job Fair in Guangzhou, another ...
3月16日备受瞩目的2025年全国城市联合招聘高校毕业生春季专场活动启动仪式暨“百万英才汇南粤”春季大型综合招聘会在广州琶洲广交会展馆举行Swipe up and down to read the English reportOn March 16, a large-scale job fair was held in Guangzhou as part of Guangdong's "Milli ...
He Xiaopeng, Deputy to the 14th National People's Congress, Chairman of Guangdong XPENG Motors Technology Co.,Ltd., Vice Chairman of Guangdong Federation of Industry and Commerce shared his insights ...
A recent survey by China Youth Daily and wenjuan.com, involving 2,009Chineserespondents,revealed that 52.8% of them hope to ...
Tian Xuan, deputy to the National People's Congress and president of the National Institute of Finance of Tsinghua University, commented on the impact of AI on the financial industry and financial edu ...
The Alhambra is a unique site in the world: a palatial city built between the 13th and 15th centuries by the last of the Muslim kingdoms of Spain. It is the ultimate demonstration of the talents of a ...